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4 Natural Ways to Help Ease Head Tension | Frani Pisano

There’s nothing like the pain of a head tension, right? It can easily put a stop in your plans for the day.

Although you may take over-the-counter pain relievers for head tension, these medicines can have side effects over time. Excess use of certain pain relievers can cause stomach issues and sometimes even liver and kidney damage. They also may lead to rebound head tension—which is essentially caused from overuse of pain medication.

Fortunately, there are several ways you can naturally relieve long-term head tension. Read on for some tried-and-true natural ways to help get rid of ongoing head tension.

  • Try essential oils. Apply one drop each of Lavender, Peppermint, and Frankincense essential oils form dōTERRA to your forehead and the back of your neck. Rub in the drop as you administer it, and layer the oils. You can repeat this as often as every 15 minutes to help your head tension. dōTERRA also makes a product called PastTenseto help with stress and tension. PastTense comes in a convenient roll-on bottle, so it’s easy to use at work or home to ease feelings of stress or tension. 
  • Drink up. Believe it or not, some headaches happen when we haven’t had enough water. When you feel head tension coming on, drink a glass of water to see how it may help. However, water’s not your only way to stay hydrated throughout the day. Fruits and vegetables with a high water content, such as cucumbers and watermelon, can help you with your daily hydration goals—and potentially fend off head tension.
  • Use a cold compress. If you’re a head tension veteran, you’ve probably used this one before. A cold compress can lower inflammation and constrict your blood vessels, which help to lower head tension pain, according to Healthline.com. You can apply your cold compress to your forehead or the back of your neck and enjoy the cooling relief.
  • Consider magnesium. Magnesium has several health benefits for the body. However, studies find that a number of migraine sufferers tend to be low in magnesium. “Studies have shown that treatment with 600 mg of oral magnesium citrate per day helped reduce both the frequency and severity of migraine headaches,” Healthline reported. That said, magnesium side effects can include diarrhea, so start with a small dose to see if it makes a difference.

Of course, another great idea is to get to the root cause of your head tension. Keep a diary to track what you ate or what you were doing around the time your ongoing tension to see if you notice any trends—and you may be able to make some changes for better relief.

For Better Wellness, Let dōTERRA Essential Oils Help

For better wellness, let dōTERRA essential oils help. Frani Pisano is passionate about the power of dōTERRA essential oils and loves educating her customers around the globe. To discover more about how health coach Frani Pisano and how dōTERRA oils can help your life, visit her site, or contact her at frani@franipisano.com.